I used to beleive in coincidences. However, during the last few years I had so many that now I tend to beleive in fate. Lines of lifes cross each other just as a consequence of the way you have lived. Nothing really happens by accident. What were the chances to find me as a photographer for their wedding? Close to zero.
One afternoon I did some shopping in my favourite furniture design shop in Vienna. As I paid I mentioned the lady that I needed 20 more of the album I picked. Due to that question a few month later I photographed her as mother of the bride at a wedding in Budapest.
The bride grew up and lives in Austria the groom is from Sweden. My memories of that Hungarian-Swedish encounter on the 5th of September are pretty different from what many may remember. Most of the Hungarians try to forget that night when the two national team played against each other. That particular night a Hungarian woman married a Swedish man.
Coincidence? Fate? Luck?
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