The first picture of this slideshow is of a room. That picture is nothing but an ordinary room picture. However, it is very special for me. A few of those pictures hanging on the wall are my work. It was a breathtaking moment to step into the living room of the Baiden family in Johannesburg and face the pictures I took a few years ago in New York.
At that moment the overused phrase of ‘it is a small world’ was not a hyperbole any more.
The family was not the same. I had already met Esi, today an elder sister of Ekua. Both of them so sweet, so charming and warmhearted that now writing this entry of them makes me longing to see, hug and kiss them again.
I had a wonderful day with them and I am grateful for being invited to their home in South Africa.
De csodaszép ez a két pici lány! 🙂 Gyönyörű fotók!