I was like being within a movie. Amazing location. Everything so peaceful.
Anel is a talented event organizer. Besides the fantastic wedding we had a lovely girls only breakfast on the morning of her wedding. This one was for the family on the next day. Weather could not have been more beautiful. Smiles, laughter, hugs, chats and saying goodbye. Having an international wedding means saying goodbye for a longer time, leaving for different continents.
What made that morning even more movie like I was that we were in spring in October. And I was in the middle of a family that I met for the first time. On the other side of the world. Somewhat surreal.
What was real that this wedding, this trip, this dream was about to end.
This farewell brought up the lyrics of one of my favourite songs:
So I walk on
And make my memories
And hope’s not gonne
Because I still believe
There’s a reason for passing time
This are the seasons of my life
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